Objective : To observe and measure normal stabilized ligaments around the an kle joint in male and female
specimens including anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), calcaneofibular ligaments (CFL), and posterior talofibular
ligaments (PTFL), so as to find out the data differences between males and females, and provide an anatomic
foundation for the precaution, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of the ankle injury. Methods : Anatomical observation
was carried on male and female ligaments. Precision measure and statistics were done on the length of anterior and
posterior borders, the ligament’s origin and insertion points, the widest distance, and the thickness. MRI scanning
were performed to examine the lateral ligaments. Results : The morphological data differences of ankle ligaments
between males and females were statistically significant. In males, CFL and PTFL were longer than in females, while
there was no difference in ATFL length. In females, ATFL and CFL were wider than in males, whereas PTFL was
the opposite. However, there was no difference in thickness. Conclusions : The morphology of ankle stabilizing
ligaments differs between females and males, emphasizing the need for greater attention to ankle ligament protection
and exercises in females. Gender differences should be considered in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of
ankle joint disorders.